The original plan called for two areas to have new artificial grass installed to either side of the main path to this small village school. The grassy areas had become very worn and compacted, with no grass growing at all in some places.
The first stage was therefore intended to focus on an area of 150m2 to one side of the path, followed by another area of a similar size around the school’s “trim trail.” Both had trees growing in them so the plan would also call for some sort of treatment around the trunks.
When staff visited the site, they identified a third area around the nursery school entrance, which was muddy and showing signs of wear. Consequently, this third element was scheduled for treatment in a later phase.
Delivered in three stages, the work itself entailed:
The final stage was delivered some months later, focusing on the school nursery play area, which was constructed of wooden decking with a rubber resin surface.
Ultimately, the school benefited from new artificial lawns to the front of the school, around the bicycle park, the trim-trail and the nursery school. All the areas now look considerably better than they did when they were worn and bare, and they do not create areas of mud that can then be walked back into school by the pupils.
The areas look attractive and natural and, importantly, they can be used safely all year round.